
Rehana Rehman

No Longer with Cisco

Rehana Rehman is a Business Operations Manager in the Computing Systems Product Group at Cisco Systems.

Rehana joined Cisco in April 2014, her past experience working with Digital Marketing and Social Media within Cisco, at Startup Pairup and Brocade has been instrumental in her growth, her love for all things tech, #WomenInTech, leadership and hopes to one day become a female thought leader in a male dominated space.

Rehana graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing. Go Bears!

In her spare time, Rehana enjoys cooking, writing spoken word poetry and short stories, creating lip-sync videos with her kids, but most of all loves to watch and play soccer!

Find her on Twitter, tweeting away, everyday, @msrehreh.


October 10, 2016


#BeLegendary #CiscoChat October 11th – Career Advice for Women in Tech

Are you attending or thinking about joining the largest gathering of women technologists at the Grace Hopper Celebration in Houston later this month? Cisco is proud to be 1 of 10, diamond sponsors of this 3-day conference, where they will be expecting 15,000 attendees. The buzz is ever growing and o…

August 26, 2016


#CiscoChat Recap: Why Fearless Females Love Being Cisco Systems Engineers (SEs)

One of Cisco’s crown jewels is its fantastic team of female Systems Engineers (SEs). From Millennials, moms, mentors, and innovators to business consultants, salsa dancers, world travelers, strategic sellers, and technology geniuses, our SEs run the gamut of talents, hobbies, and expertise. Last Thu…

Lead Beyond—Accelerating Legendary Women #CiscoChat

The IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference is designed to inspire and engage, women in engineering. In a field that’s overwhelmingly male, it can be difficult as a woman to advance and make their voices heard. That’s why this conference was created: to provide professional dev…

March 31, 2016


Engineering Shows Their #LoveWhereYouWork Style

How incredibly amazing are the Cisco #LoveWhereYouWork pictures on social? I have learned so much about our fellow Cisconians globally by the stream of pictures that came in last month – it was hard not to get hooked! Our Engineering/Engineering HR team took the Life At Cisco #LoveWhereyouWork…

September 30, 2015


Carpe Diem – Seize the day! Inspiration from everyday heroes of CEWN: Shubhra Sinha

  Guest Blog and Interview by Anuja Singh  Welcome to the September edition of our monthly CEWN segment about role models. We all make resolutions and set goals to improve ourselves– but somewhere along the way, life interrupts our plans, we find ourselves juggling different priorities and inv…

September 29, 2015


#CiscoChat Seize the Moment and Make your Mark at Grace Hopper

The Grace Hopper Celebration Conference is upon us once in two weeks in Houston, Texas  and Cisco is proud to be a Diamond Sponsor recognized as a leader in diversity and highlights our continuous commitment to increasing the impact of women in technology. For the last 13 years, GHC has strived to b…

#CiscoChat: Future of Service Provider Deployments in the Internet of Everything Era

In the world of service providers and networks, the demand for new and better services continues to grow. As more services and applications migrate to the Cloud, service providers will continue to play a crucial role in delivering quality experiences and performance at the speed businesses and consu…

Carpe Diem – Seize the day! Inspiration from July’s Everyday Heroes of CiscoEWN

Guest Blog and Interview by Anuja Singh  Welcome to our July edition of the monthly CEWN segment about role models. We all make resolutions and set goals to improve ourselves– but somewhere along the way, life interrupts our plans, we find ourselves juggling different priorities and invariably thing…

CiscoChat Recap: How Do We Continue to ReDefine Ourselves?

Now we know why one participant tweeted that they couldn’t wait for a “kick-a**” #CiscoChat with Cisco Live keynote speaker and award-winning CNN analyst Mel Robbins. The chat was one of the most inspirational and honest discussions of our #CiscoChat series with nearly 70 participants engaging on th…